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HCI International News, Number 129, January 2025


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HCII 2025: Conference details

The HCI International 2025 Conference will take place at the Gothia Towers Hotel and Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden, 22-27 June.

HCII 2025 invites you to participate and contribute to the international forum for the dissemination and exchange of up-to-date scientific information on generic, theoretical and applied areas of HCI. The Conference program overview is available.

Mark in your calendar the following important deadlines:

Conference papers are scientific articles presenting concepts and structures, models, research results, or findings showing how the demands of particular application areas shape the way generic research is translated into practical innovation. Present your scientific work to a large audience of HCI academics, researchers and professionals through a 20-minute presentation, in the context of a 2-hour thematic parallel session.

The Conference has a long-established tradition of inviting distinguished scientists and professionals in the broader HCI field to organize parallel sessions. Prospective authors should submit their proposal upon invitation from a session organizer.

The best contributions will be awarded! The best paper of each of the HCII 2025 Thematic Areas / Affiliated Conferences will be given an award. The best poster extended abstract (in the form of a short research paper) will also receive an award.  Each awarded contribution will receive a plaque, a certificate and one complimentary e-book of their choice from the six HCI book series.

The Student Design Competition gives College and University students of all grades an opportunity to present their design idea, by submitting an abstract and a video clip (up to 5-minutes). Three designs will be selected by an international jury to be awarded prizes (GOLD - $1,000; SILVER - $500; and BRONZE - $250).

The Conference Proceedings will be published by Springer in a multi-volume set. Papers will appear in the LNCS and LNAI series, while poster extended abstracts will be published in the CCIS series. All volumes will be available on-line through the SpringerLink Digital Library, readily accessible by subscribing libraries, and indexed by a number of services, including: CPCI, part of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science; Scopus; EI Engineering Index; ACM Digital Library; Google Scholar; DBLP, etc.

The HCII 2025 Design Café, to be coordinated by Christine Riedmann-Streitz, will provide an opportunity for discussion and rethinking of important topics of global interest. Further information will become available, in due course, through the Conference website.

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HCII 2025: Poster proposals submission - extended deadline: 17 January 2025

Posters constitute short reports on scientific results, professional news, or work in progress. Present your novel ideas in a simple, concise and visually appealing manner. Accepted submissions will be included in the Conference Proceedings to be published by Springer in the Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series.

Prospective poster authors should submit their abstracts (300 words), including the essence of the planned presentation, by the extended deadline of 17 January 2025.

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HCII 2025: Submission for "Late Breaking Work - Papers" is open

You still have the opportunity to present the latest results of your work to an international audience, by submitting a proposal for a Paper.

Prospective authors should submit extended abstracts (800 words) corresponding to one of the Conference Thematic Areas. Following a peer-review process, a decision is communicated to the authors. After acceptance, depending on the time of submitting their proposal, the authors will have the following opportunities:

  • having a full paper included in the "HCII 2025 - Late Breaking Papers" Springer LNCS volumes of the Proceedings to be published after the Conference (full camera-ready papers, typically 12 pages but no less than 10 and no more than 20 pages),
  • giving only an oral presentation during the Conference.

The "HCII 2025 - Late Breaking Papers" volumes, which will appear after the Conference, are no different, in academic terms, from the volumes that will appear before the Conference. Papers in these volumes are treated in exactly the same way, i.e. single-blind peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers, referenced, indexed, published in the Springer digital library, etc. The “HCII2025 - Late Breaking Papers” volumes, together with the volumes to be published before the Conference, will comprise the full set of the HCII 2025 Conference Proceedings.

Important deadlines for “Late Breaking Work - Papers” proposals:

  • Deadline for abstract submission: Submission open until 28 March 2025
  • Notification of review outcome: 25 April 2025
  • Deadline for registration: 9 May 2025
  • Deadline for camera-ready submission: 23 May 2025

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HCII 2025: Student Volunteers' program is open for applications

The HCII 2025 Program for Student Volunteers gives College and University students from around the world the opportunity to attend ‘on-site’ and contribute to one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of computing and HCI. HCII 2025 Student Volunteers will have the opportunity to interact with researchers, academics and professionals from various related disciplines and meet other students with diverse educational and cultural backgrounds. The skills, talents and dedication of the Student Volunteers contribute to the overall quality of the Conference.

The Student Volunteer role involves a range of duties to be performed ‘on-site’, assisting Conference participants during the running of the hybrid sessions and contributing to the overall smooth running of the Conference functions.

HCII 2025 Student Volunteers are requested to be available 'on-site' for the entire duration of the Conference in Gothenburg, as well as the day prior (i.e. from 21 to 27 June 2025); this is because in addition to the 6-days Conference, a training session will be offered on the day before the Conference (i.e. on the 21st of  June 2025) to all Student Volunteers by the Conference Organizers, to get to know each other, to share information and tasks, and to be trained in the use of the hybrid setup of the Conference. The conference will offer the following to all Student Volunteers:

  • Complimentary Conference Registration
    • conference proceedings in electronic format
    • entrance to the Opening Plenary Session and Keynote Speech (working schedule permitting)
    • participation in seminars, Courses and other open technical sessions
    • entrance to the Exhibition / poster presentation area
    • conference reception
    • refreshment breaks between sessions (2 per day, mid-morning and mid-afternoon)
  • Provision of a per diem allowance  for subsistence for seven days
  • Full reimbursement of accommodation (single occupancy) in the Conference hotel for seven nights (booking arrangements must be made by the Student Volunteer)
  • Two Student Volunteer T–shirts

All applications received by the deadline of 21 February 2025 will be reviewed and volunteers selected will be notified by the 14th of March 2025. Prior to the acceptance notification, an interview may be conducted with the Conference Administration team, following arrangements through email communication.

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HCII 2025: Courses' program

Courses will run either as ‘on-site’ or as ‘on-line’ events. Participation in the Courses is complimentary for registered Conference participants and no advance enrollment is required. Entrance in the ‘on-site’ Courses’ rooms will be on a first-come-first-served basis before the start of each Course. All registered Conference participants can attend any ‘on-line’ Course. Below is the full list, with links to each Course description and the presenters' brief bio.

Sunday, 22 June 2025
# Course Modality Time
C01The Power of Games
William B. Rouse, Rebecca Rouse
on-site08:30 - 12:30
C02Future Natural Interactions with AI-driven Devices and Environments
Radu-Daniel Vatavu
on-line08:30 - 12:30
C03Accessibility, Co-design and HCI research
Nasrine Olson, Raymond Holt, Arthur Theil
on-site13:30 - 17:30
C04Studying social media users and behaviors: Theories and Methods
Qin Gao
on-site13:30 - 17:30
C05Voice Interaction Design and Evaluation: Practices Based on Psycholinguistics and Psychometrics
James R. Lewis
on-line13:30 - 17:30


Monday, 23 June 2025
# Course Modality Time
C06Competency Development: Advancing Emotional Intelligence and Future-Ready Skills with Generative AI
Lana Hiasat, Faouzi Bouslama
on-site08:30 - 12:30
C07Using Questionnaires and Surveys in UX Research
Martin Schrepp
on-site08:30 - 12:30
C08Deep Foundation Models for Multimodal Analysis
Björn W. Schuller, Andreas Triantafyllopoulos
on-line08:30 - 12:30
C09Enabling and supporting cybersecurity literacy - From user awareness to usability
Steven Furnell
on-site13:30 - 17:30
C10Multisensory communication/interaction
Nasrine Olson, Raymond Holt, Arthur Theil
on-site13:30 - 17:30
C11The Use of Metaverse Applied to Teaching
Marcelo M. Soares, Layane Araujo
on-line13:30 - 17:30


Tuesday, 24 June 2025
# Course Modality Time
C12Community Engaged UX: HCI Pedagogy and Community Engagement
Justin Dowdall
on-site08:30 - 12:30
C13How to Design User-Friendly Dashboards
Abbas Moallem
on-site08:30 - 12:30
C14Next-Generation Explainable AI
Wojciech Samek
on-line08:30 - 12:30
C15Design Systems for Better UX
Elizabeth Rosenzweig
on-site13:30 - 17:30
C16Identify effective explanations - a hands-on course
Helmut Degen, Christof Budnik
on-site13:30 - 17:30
C17Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review in HCI
Vincent G. Duffy
on-line13:30 - 17:30
C18The Future of Training and Decision-Making: Next-Gen AR/VR Solutions for Real-World Impact
Rayan Harari
on-line13:30 - 17:30

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HCII 2025: Workshops' program

The full Workshops' Program, which will run as hybrid events, between 22 to 24 June 2025, is available with 8 Workshops on offer covering a wide spectrum of topics.

Please visit the webpage of each Workshop for information about its aim, topics and expected outcome, as well as the submission guidelines to prospective participants and the relevant deadlines that apply.

Workshops are ‘closed’ events, i.e. only authors of accepted submissions for a Workshop will be able to register to attend the specific Workshop, complimentary with their Conference registration.

Sunday, 22 June 2025
# Workshop Time
W1Generative AI for Collaborative Experiences and Enhanced User Interactions in Mixed Reality
Elham Mohammadrezaei, Majid Behravan, Pinar Yanardag Delul, Brendan David-John, Denis Gracanin
13:30 - 17:30


Monday, 23 June 2025
# Workshop Time
W2Causal AI for Robust Decision Making (CARD)
Anjon Basak, Adrienne Raglin
08:30 - 12:30
W3Exploring AI through Tabletop Game Making - Designerly Investigations of the Challenges and Opportunities of Human-to-AI Collaboration
Simon Norris, Bertil Lindenfalk, Andrea Resmini
13:30 - 17:30
W4Collaborative XR for Learning, Simulation, and Cooperative Experiences
Nikitha Donekal Chandrashekar, Prasanna K. Routray, Manivannan Muniyandi, Denis Gracanin
13:30 - 17:30


Tuesday, 24 June 2025
# Workshop Time
W5Science-based methodologies for designing and using human-centered AI in HCI settings
Gavriel Salvendy, Jia Zhou
08:30 - 12:30
W6Exploring Multilingual Conversational Practice with Spoken Dialogue Systems and Immersive Technologies
Elin Ericsson, Ylva Hård af Segerstad, and Mats Larsnäs
08:30 - 12:30
W7AI Revolution in Academia: Professionalism, Ethics, and Digital Innovation
Florence W Williams, Martha J Hubertz, Joseph Lloyd
13:30 - 17:30
W8Designing for Inclusivity - Advancing User Experience Through Inclusive Design Methodologies
Shandler Mason, Sandeep Kaur Kuttal
13:30 - 17:30

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HCII 2025: Susan Dumais will be the recipient of the 2025 HCI Medal for Societal Impact and the Keynote Speaker

The 'HCI MEDAL FOR SOCIETAL IMPACT' was established in 2022 to be awarded to distinguished HCI academics, researchers, or professionals in recognition of the impact of their work in the field of HCI to society. The idea of the medal is to inspire younger generations towards accomplishments that leave a major footprint on society and foster well-being and eudaimonia. The nomination originates from an international committee and the Medal is conferred during the Conference Opening Plenary Session.

The recipient of the 'HCI MEDAL FOR SOCIETAL IMPACT' for 2025 and Keynote Speaker will be Susan Dumais, Technical Fellow and Director of the Microsoft Research Labs in New England and New York City, USA, and in Montréal, QC, Canada, and Adjunct Professor at the University of Washington, USA. The award ceremony, to be followed by her Keynote speech,  titled “Information Seeking and Sensemaking from Libraries, the Web, and Beyond”, will take place in the evening of 24 June 2025.

Abstract: In just a few decades, search has gone from being an arcane skill to something that is a core fabric of everyday life.  Today people use search to find a wide variety of information, monitor news and social media, understand medical conditions, learn new skills, buy things, etc.  Thus, it is increasingly important to provide an interdisciplinary and user-centered perspective on information systems that both enables people to articulate their information needs and make sense of results, and develops new interaction techniques and algorithms to support this. The keynote will summarize previous research and systems that mitigate the discrepancy between the vocabulary that authors use and how searchers express their information needs, illustrate the importance of representing context to improve search success, and look forward to new types of information systems that use richer natural language dialogs and proactively anticipate information needs.

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HCII 2025: Supporting participants from Least Developed Countries

In support of the Programme of Action (PoA) for the Least Developed Countries of the United Nations (UN-OHRLLS), HCII 2025 offers to academics and students of all grades, residing and working in these countries, the possibility to register for ‘on-line’ participation in the Conference with an 80% discount.

In order to take advantage of this offer, prospective participants from these counties will need to create an account for the Conference, through the CMS, enter their affiliation details, and apply for this fee discount following the provided guidelines. They are also welcome to submit their work for presentation during the Conference and publication in the proceedings, following the established peer-review process.

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HCII 2025: Registration

All registered conference participants are entitled to:

  • Conference proceedings in electronic format
  • access the 'hybrid' Opening Plenary Session and Keynote Speech
  • enter the Conference Reception (evening of the 24th of June)
  • participate in all parallel sessions
  • access the poster presentations
  • access the Exhibition
  • attend Courses
  • participate in Workshops (only for authors of accepted Workshop proposals)
  • enter the daily refreshment breaks between sessions (10:00 - 10:30 and 15:30 - 16:00)

During the on-line registration process, participants planning to present their work at the Conference will be required to select the single specific submission (‘paper’ or ‘poster’) to be associated with their registration, as well as the preferred method of their presentation ('on-site' or 'on-line').

The Conference registration is available on-line.

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HCII 2025: Accommodation

The Gothia Towers Hotel and Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre is the Conference venue and the Gothia Towers Hotel is the official HCII 2025 hotel.

Located in central Gothenburg, right in the thick of things on Korsvägen, Gothia Towers is just a couple of blocks from the restaurants and nightclubs on fashionable Avenyn, close to the city center with excellent transport links, right next to Scandinavia’s biggest amusement park Liseberg, Universeum, Scandinavium and everything the entertainment district has to offer.

Together with the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Center it is one of Europe's largest fully integrated meeting places, and one of the Nordic region's most attractive meeting places, offering large experience areas, a first class hotel and many popular entertainment options.

A number of rooms has been reserved to be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis with significantly reduced rates. The special guest room rates will be valid for all Conference participants for the duration of the Conference, as well as for 2 additional days, before and / or after the Conference (subject to the availability of rooms at the time of the reservation).

Special guest room rates have been agreed upon for conference participants (rates include breakfast, internet access and taxes).

Further information about accommodation is available through the Conference website.

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HCII 2025: Exhibition

Exhibiting at the Conference is an ideal opportunity to display your products and services to an international audience of academics, researchers, professionals and users in the field of HCI.

Detailed information about the HCII 2025 Exhibition together with previous years’ photos of the exhibition hall and exhibitors, are available on the conference website. The HCII News Facebook page provides additional photos and information about past events.

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HCII 2025: Gothenburg - the cool city with great ideas and a green heart

Gothenburg, host city of the Conference, is a charming port city with a rich history and a big heart. Situated on the Swedish west coast, between Oslo and Copenhagen, the city prides itself on its environmental credentials. It has quietly built a reputation as a sustainable tourism destination. This compact, green, pedestrian-friendly city also has several thriving sectors, including life science, mobility, and cutting-edge technology. Here’s an introduction to next year’s host city, Gothenburg – a city made for meetings.

In the early 17th century, Sweden desperately needed a port to the rest of the world. In response, Gothenburg was founded. Thanks to its strategic location, it soon developed into Sweden’s most important hub for trade and industry. Today, the city stands in the middle of the largest and most extensive urban development in modern times and is known for its innovative power and sustainable work.

Gothenburg fosters strong partnerships between businesses, academia and the public sector, creating a dynamic environment built on the key foundation of collaboration. The city is home to several large international companies, such as AstraZeneca ESSITY, Mölnlycke Healthcare, SKF and Volvo. Furthermore, its thriving academic landscape with two major universities forefronts the city’s inventive spirit. 10% of the population are students.

Gothenburg was the first city in the world to issue green bonds, aiming to stimulate investment in climate change solutions. And aiming for climate neutrality by 2030, Gothenburg has built a reputation as one of the world’s most sustainable tourism destinations. You will encounter a city where making sustainable choices is effortless — it just comes naturally.

It is the world’s most sustainable destination, seven years in a row (2016-2023), according to the Global Destination Sustainability Index. And in 2021, Lonely Planet added an additional sustainability award to this list when it unveiled its Best in Travel 2021 list, naming Gothenburg the world’s Best Sustainable City Stay.  95 percent of the city’s hotel rooms are environmentally certified and almost all public transport runs on renewable electricity!

Discover how Gothenburg residents, businesses, researchers, and municipalities collaborate in the Gothenburg Green City Zone to create an emissions-free and efficient transport system. By utilizing an innovative testing environment, they explore and develop the transport solutions of the future. Join them in this dynamic initiative as they explore new ideas, optimize proven methods, and lead several exciting projects. https://youtu.be/-ccGQY1th8M

City centered venue
Locals emphasize Gothenburg’s charm and a ‘small town in a big city’ feel. HCI International 2025 will take place right in the city center at the Gothia TowersHotel and the  Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, conveniently located just 25 minutes from the airport and within walking distance of various local sights. Right on the venue’s doorstep are world-class restaurants, a lively cultural scene, green parks, trendy microbreweries and Swedish design. Nestled at the edge of Sweden’s western archipelago, it is also easy to reach the rugged coastline and appreciate the country’s unique flora and fauna.

Access the Official Visitor's Guide to Gothenburg
Explore Sweden's official website for tourism and travel information

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HCII 2025: World Usability Initiative 2024 Design Challenge Winners - Awards sponsored by HCII 2025

The 2024 World Usability Initiative (WUI) Design Challenge theme was "Designing for a Better World". Award winners were announced on World Usability Day, 14 November 2024:

  • Gold: Mobu - Enhancing Financial Literacy and Management through Goal-Directed Design and Gamification in Personal Finance Application, by: Phuong Lien To
  • Silver: “Recysack” Text-messaging System For Waste Pickers In Iran, by: Sahar Kourangbeheshti
  • Bronze: NaviBus-Reimagining Bus Rapid Transport System for visually impaired in India, by: Conscious Collective (Amitha Mohandas, Vishwa Desai, and Rishika Sood)

HCI International 2025 congratulates the winners and sponsors the three awards (Gold $1,250; Silver $1,000; and Bronze $750) that will be conferred during the Opening Plenary Session in the evening of the 24th of June 2025.

The three award winners are also cordially invited, with complimentary registration, to present their work in a special hybrid session of the Conference on the 25th of June 2025.

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Recent News and Articles

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Upcoming Conference

ICUSI 2025 - International Conference on User-System Interaction
September 18-19
Alexandru Iona Cuza University, Iasi, Romania

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About HCI International NEWS

The HCI International NEWS is a newsletter that contains information about the HCI International Conference, book reviews, news from the field of HCI, as well as links to interesting articles and conferences. If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to contribute, please contact the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem. The opinions that are expressed in this Newsletter are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not represent any institution or company.

How to contribute:
We welcome your contribution to the HCI International News. Please send to us interesting news, short articles, interesting websites, etc. We will consider your comments and contributions for upcoming issues. Please send your contribution to the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem.

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HCI International 2025 Conference

Table of Contents

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